Dr. A. Peter Antony Suresh, A person with Global exposure and communication skills takes new challenges with an ability to see a bigger picture, gets encouragement from “speed’ in work and life, believes in motivating and educating. Grasps and understands new ideas and concepts at a fast rate, loves teamwork, above all got training from Britishers, Americans, Canadians and Australians.
Dynamic and Optimistic person started journey as Clubs co-ordinator and into course of time he become an educator rising to the post of Events Coordinator Academic Coordinator, Principal, Senior Principal and finally Academic Head, Director of Academics.
Mrs Darling Jeya Sheela MSc, B.Ed, Senior Secondary Coordinator of Vins School of Excellence is one of the favourite teachers, having strong support and concern for students. She cares about the success of the students. Her politeness, firmness and control say a lot about her 20 years of experience as a teacher in Buds Public School Dubai, Ponjesley Higher Secondary School and S.N. Patasala, Bangalore. She received certificate of appreciation for students achieving centum result in Grade X and XII. She received certificate of appreciation for E- quiz in topics Public health and Hygiene, Migratory Insect Pest Locust, Cell Biology and Genetics, the environmental science and COVID 19. She ensures open communication with parents and administrators regarding student’s growth and wellbeing.
Mrs. Bindu MA(English)., MA( History) B.Ed., Vice Principal of Vins School of Excellence, have more than 20 years of teaching experience in Adarsh Vidya Kendra, Garden court Cambridge School as a teacher and Academic Co-ordinator. She is concerned, curious, committed, hard working and confident in teaching values for the real world learning. She manages well to hold the class interest and maintains order in class as well as tailors lessons to the learning levels and styles of the students, and builds important mentoring-type relationships. She also possesses an Effective Classroom Management Style.
Mrs. Baby Saratha Bai MA., BEd of Vins School of Excellence, is an effective teacher. She showcases strong skills in preparation, teamwork, time management, problem-solving and organising various activities. She possesses 28 years of teaching experience in Buds Public School, Dubai and Alphonsa School Nagercoil. She exhibits variety in teaching, which provides renewed interest in the subject matter. She uses different activities to make the students work together. She provides a variety of learning activities, experiments and allows for spontaneity in her work. She provides personal help by taking time to explain concept and gives individual attention to every student.
Mr. Kumar Jesu Rajan M.Com of Vins School of Excellence and Secretary of Kanyakumari District Skating association has an unbridled passion for skating and desires to work with kids who are tantamount to one’s success as a coach. He teaches the basic fundamentals of skating in the 200 mts national level skating ground, newly constructed at Vins School of Excellence. He explains and enforces safety, rules, and regulations and keeps records and helps in coordinating events.
Mrs. Rajeswari MSc Geography., MSc Yoga is the founder of Athma Jothi Yoga centre and the spouse of District yoga coach SDA, Tamil Nadu and Treasurer, Kanyakumari District Yogasana Association. She is an excellent yoga teacher, who shows authenticity in her personality and has energy and true passion towards teaching yoga, and inspires others. She conducts classes with children of different grades who involve meditation and yoga poses. She also guides students to "connect to breath" while conducting a series of physical and mental exercises.
Mr. Rajappan Chess Coach, Secretary of STAR CHESS Academy and Chess Coach of Vins School of Excellence, created National CBSE gold medal winner, SGFI gold medal winner, Tamil Nadu State Champion and lot of International rated chess players. He supervises the chess team activities. He identifies the students and selects team leaders accordingly. He establishes team goals and plan for chess preparation and competition, promotes and monitors these goals to keep the team on task. He encourages students to learn the game of chess and improve their chess playing skills.
Ms. B. Mahalekshmi B.Com., MBA, MFA (Dance) Dance teacher of Vins School of Excellence, is a proud achiever of NADANA MAYIL award from All India Cultural Foundation. All India cultural foundation released a stamp with her image. She has performed dances in more than 175 stages and participated in Guinness Book of world record at Dindugal. She is a professional dancer, expertise in teaching various dance techniques. She tailors her classes, using various teaching tools, and balances honest feedback with genuine praise as she teaches from the heart. She is well versed in choosing music and choreographing dances appropriately based on the student's ability and age.
Mr. M. Abel Percis BSc. BPEd., MPEd., NIS (Swimming) Swimming Master of Vins school of Excellence, is the founder of Allen Sports Academy which teaches sports to the downtrodden Children (free of Charge). He is impressive in teaching swimming techniques, swimming strokes, and water safety rules to the students with variety swimming abilities. He assists children to become more experienced swimmers to enhance their swimming abilities. He also assesses the progress of students and adjusts teaching programs accordingly. He possesses the character of patience and perseverance and being able to encourage students and make them feel comfortable and organised.
My passion for imparting science never ends with school. Students interest in learning science inspires me to be their mentor beyond the school. My teaching triggers the potential of the students and further motivate them in learning. Newton's third law states that "for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction". My action of teaching the students results as an ignition for carrier excellence in various fields.
As an SST teacher I would like to present my experience and its success. Introduction of the topic is given to the students and the learning objective of that lesson is explained. I energize the class by asking questions, related to the topic which help the students to understand the topic well.
It motivate the child to take more interest on the topic. I also recapitulate the portions before taking a new topic. I provide personalized one to one training, helping students, update the students with current events and relate the relevant content and current events to their daily lives.
Students are made to imagine a particular moment in history mentioned in their text book. They are encouraged to do collage work and take census of any particular moment in history mentioned in their text book. Act out historical events- Skits, talk shows and plays help the students to engage them to understand the topic while each student is assigned a specific role.
After each presentation the students discuss what they learnt. Students are encouraged to prepare charts and posters of important events with facts and figures. Field trips are regularly conducted. This brings innovative ideas in students. Student’s success is my success
I maintain a classroom atmosphere. Energize the students. Stimulating ideas, warmth, friendliness and acceptance. Encourage students by asking variety of questions and help them achieve the skills of finding the answer. Give frequent, early positive feedback that support students beliefs that they can do well. Ensure opportunities for students success by assigning task that are neither too easy nor too difficult. I help students to find personal meaning and value in the material. Create an atmosphere that is open and positive. Also help students feel that they are valued members of a learning community.
I motivate the students for approval of positive reinforcement and more likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognised and valued. Get them involved, offer incentives, get creative and drawn connection to the real life, questioning the students, giving examples including teaching aids to make biology class interactive, use interactive visuals like hotspot images, use interactive quizzes, class room discussions, seminar, feedback, concept mapping, reading, hands-on-activities.
Every day is different and I feel that students understand better and better day by day.
I plan the lesson and the notes. Then I start the class by asking some questions related to the prior knowledge. Then I encourage my students to use their ideas. I energize my students by conducting simple activities by using flash cards and simple problems related to the topic.
Then I introduce the new concept. My teaching is based on lecture method. It is applicable to all branches of mathematics including sets, logarithms, algebra, matrices, statics, Geometry, and trigonometry.
While teaching, I show the teaching aids such as semicircle, sphere etc.,. in the class room to help students to have hands on learning experience.
Also I use smart board to energize the students. And I explain the concepts using videos and Power Point Presentation. It is very helpful to grasp and understand easily and enable applications which they can do spontaneously. And also I used the math lab learning by doing is an unparalleled approach to teach math. Students learn by observing and calculating themselves.
I also give projects and worksheets to the students.
As a teacher, I plan for every class. I pay attention to the strength and limitations of each student. I used to move around the room while teaching. Encourage students to share their ideas and comments. Students are given chance to speak to the class. For language enhancement, I arrange various activities like debate, speech, role play etc. In my personal opinion teacher is role model, a good friend, philosopher etc. in student’s life. In this pandemic situation, I allow the children to express themselves and making learning fun and enjoyable through zoom classes. I believe that the teaching and managing skills of me will create a positive change on my students. I try my level best to understand the mental condition of the students. I will give lot of examples and explain the concepts using videos, power point in smart classes. As a teacher I feel proud in motivating the students.
Consistently getting the best work from students is my aim of teaching. My journey at VINS SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE[CBSE] has been spectacular and overwhelming. The school has positive vibes that makes it a beautiful shelter for not only students but also for the teachers and the support staff. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching by making use of varied learning techniques. I laid a strong foundation by providing an open platform for students to learn in a more practical and interesting way. The school does not focus on just academics, but looks into developing deeper bonds outside the classroom. The students are encouraged to use their ideas and develop on their talents in being able to grow into well rounded human beings. When a student is confident, he or she can stand up and express an opinion in a considerate but determined way, support it with facts. This is what our society needs and I, as teachers, have to help our students build it.
I follow the Typical strategies for getting the best work from students focus on extrinsic motivation—points, grades, badges, certificates, stars, trophies, glowing feedback, encouragement, pep talks, ‘pressure,’ and other ways to motivate students. These strategies are underwhelming in effect–and tend to not yield the life-long learners education seeks to create–shouldn’t be surprising. It is suitable and important to review the earlier read material, but I will not try to repeat that in a classroom. I will ask the students to start reading and discussing.
The involvement of students is very important. Students love electronics because of many reasons, so I usually try to include technology into your whole teaching tactic. As a replacement for teaching in front of the class, I use a smart board communicating display. Internet affords everyone with numerous amenities. To get the best from them I will help them to see expert bridge-building. If they’re going to sing or paint or write or act or excavate or farm or direct, I will explain them and make them to see what the most passionate, driven, and skilled people in those fields do. Then help them do it, too.
My sincere thanks to VINS for accepting me to be part of their organization... Vins School provides the best road for exposure of hidden talents in each student, Overall it’s an excellent ambience for your kids over here…
As a chemistry teacher I use real life examples and historical information to help students to understand the subject. I follow the commonly used teaching methods termed as Collaborative learning , Spaced learning, Project Based learning , and Hands on activities. I also ask pointed quetsions to assess their knowledge and encourage discussion during class.Encourage students to form into small groups tp work on chemistry problems and present it in the class.I allow my students to work togeather , they retain information faster and their co-operation also helps to develop their critical thinking.
I'm grateful to work in this institution. I take this wonderful opportunity to share my valuable experience in Vins School of Excellence.
Getting a class off with a good start is an important role of a teacher and this good start will inculcate the students' to the day's better learning.
To grab the pupils' attention initially, i will ask them some general questions to energize the child. Then gradually I will ask some questions related to the day's lesson and along with that i will give some intimation or tip-off to delineate the day's lesson topic from the students' voice. This motivation makes the students' to pay more attention in the class. Then I will show some animation videos along with the characters of the lesson, so that they will never forget the characters. Finally, I will conclude the class by displaying the one word questions on the screen and ask the students to answer on their own. Thus the students' will be attentive in the classroom.
A good teacher can change a person's life. Every teacher wants to influence their students to become productive members of the society. A good teacher will put themselves in the position of a guide rather than being a leader.
As a Science teacher, I start the class by asking some energizing questions that makes the students to participate more attentively. I breakdown complicated science topics into understandable parts for students of varying ages. I show the apparatus in class rooms to help students to have hands on learning experience.
I explain the facts of biology in the form of stories to get their attention in the class. I organize activities in classroom sessions where a group of students can take the role of atoms or molecules to study a chemical reaction. I conduct word games using scientific terms which helps the students to understand words and use them fluently in their subject. I use the science word walls in classrooms which can stimulate the interest of students in the subject to illustrate different concepts.
Learning by doing is an unparalleled approach to teach science and this is made a reality with remote labs .I give access to authentic scientific tools and opportunities to control remote lab experiments which would enhance conceptual understanding.
I use multimedia approach method which is a blend of text , audio, animation, video, still images to teach diverse difficult concepts in science .I use instructional video clips and PowerPoint presentations in classroom sessions to show and teach a new concept to make it more interesting. I give projects which may be an individual activity or group activity which helps the students to show their application side of what they learned through theory.
Teaching at Vins School of Excellence gives wonderful experience. I am grateful and thankful to the management.
As a social science teacher, I begin the class with the content of the procedures to focus the attention of the students by asking general questions related to the topic by energizing the students.
I teach using an inactive method of teaching. I organise some activities related to make the students more interested and enthusiastic in learning. I reinforce the students with positive words of encouragement. I use the word walls in classroom which can stimulate the interest if students in the subject to illustrate different concepts.
A child can be groomed only through love and care. A child enters its second home, the school, to be nourished with proper education. As a teacher, I ensure that I make my class most interesting for my students with a variety of activities.
At first I energize my students with a variety of questions and activities in which children participate enthusiastically. Games make learning enjoyable with smart board activities, spell bee ,math bee etc.
I create a world within the classroom filled with students involvement with a lot of interactive moments which the students enjoy.
I start the class by asking some energizing questions to the students which make them to be more attentive in the class. It creates more interest among the students. Students can also interact with the teacher during this session. I energize my students by conducting lot of simple activities and mind blowing games. I use innovative methods of teaching to energize the students by revealing the facts and truths of the specific topic for their better comprehension.
I use power point presentation, animated videos, biography of scientists and practical experiments. And moreover I teach the students how to apply science in our daily life. I conduct science quiz, science fair and science exhibition. I motivate the students to bring out their talents, ideas and interest to become a great scientist. The contact between the students also inspires me. In my class the students learn how to deal with other peer groups and learn how to take care of each other. I believe the children can be the main participant in a class, the ones who discover the knowledge while the teachers channel their efforts in the right direction.
I make the students to feel empowered and have control of the newly acquired information. I strengthen their own characters and diversify their own personalities too. When a student is confident, he or she can stand up and express an opinion in a considerate but determined way and support it with facts. This is what our society needs and we, as teachers, have to help our students build it up. My teaching is based on value. Usually I use student centered teaching, then only the students can express and explain their own ideas. I use lot of examples related to real life. I give importance for interdisciplinary projects. It is there only the students can correlate the science subjects with other subjects.
Mathematics is an art in itself.
Maths is an art. It makes new sculpture using innovative thoughts and ideas. It moulds the mind of the students to create problem solving methods related to the life oriented ideas.
I start the class by energizing the students on the basis of theme of the topic. I often introduce a practical application of genuine interest to the class at the beginning of a lesson. The application chosen is brief and uncomplicated to motivate the lesson rather than detract from it.
I use puzzles , play way method , quiz, problem solving method to teach and make math easier to the students. I use a new reinforcement method of learning maths by math adventure method. I give challenges to students and in this way students understand that math is not complicated, but an interesting one on the whole.
Students enjoy the subject and relish working –out problems .A new study reinforces a long standing belief that being motivated to do math has to be done with the mindset of the children. I compare the lesson with the real life situations, especially for teaching Geometry in math. I use math lab for teaching conceptual learning. I conduct math club activities every week.
Motivating students to be enthusiastically receptive is one of the most important aspects of mathematics instruction and a critical aspects of any curriculum. I focus attention on the less interested students as well as the motivated ones.
In whatever we do, be it building a house or a school, math has a major part to play because everything evolves around maths.
எனக்கு வின்ஸ் பள்ளியில் பணிபுரிவதற்கு வாய்ப்பளித்த பள்ளி நிர்வாகத்திற்கு என் நன்றிகளை தெரிவித்து கொள்கிறேன் .
ஒரு தமிழ் ஆசிரியராக நான் எனது ஒவ்வொரு வகுப்பிலும் மாணவர்களை உயற்சகப்படுத்தும் விதத்தில் பாடம் தொடர்பான வினாக்கள் கேட்டு அவர்களின் கவனத்தை பாடத்தின் பால் ஈர்க்கச் செய்வேன் .
இக்கால சுழ்நிலைக்கேற்ப பல புதுமையான முறைகளில் வகுப்புகளை நடத்தி படங்களை புரிய வைப்பேன் . ஒவ்வொரு தனி மாணவனிடமும் தனிக்கவனம் செலுத்தப்படும்.அதிலும் என்னுடைய வகுப்பில் தமிழ் மொழி உச்சரிப்புக்கும் ,தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களை பிழையில்லாமல் எழுதுவதற்கும் தனிக்கவனம் செலுத்துவேன். என்னுடைய வகுப்பில் மாணவர்கள் தங்களுடைய கருத்துக்களையும், சந்தேகங்களையும் எளிதாகக் கூற முடியும். மாநில அளவில் ,மாவட்ட அளவில் மற்றும் தேசிய அளவில் நடைபெறும் பேச்சுப் போட்டி ,கட்டுரைப்போட்டி ,கவிதைப்போட்டி மற்றும் திருக்குறள் ஒப்புவித்தல் ஆகிய போட்டிகளில் பங்கேற்க எனது மாணவர்களை ஊக்கப்படுத்துவேன் .
எனது பாடவேளைகளில் பட்டிமன்றம் ,நாடகம் போன்றவற்றை நடத்தி அவரவர்களின் தனித்திறமைகளை வளர்க்க உதவிபுரிவேன் .பாடத்தில் உள்ள கடினச்சொற்கள் மாணவர்களுக்கு எளிதிக புரியும் படியாக ஐந்து ஐந்து சொற்களை விளக்கத்தாளில் எழுதி வகுப்பறையில் ஓட்டுவேன்.அதனைப் பார்க்கும் மாணவர்கள் அதனை தினமும் வாசித்துப் புரிந்து கொள்வர்.
மேலும் பாடத்தின் தலைப்புகளுக்கேற்ப பல கற்பித்தல் உபகரணங்களைக் காண்பித்து மாணவர்களுக்கு எளிதாகப் புரியும் படி செய்வேன்.எனது வகுப்பில் மாணவர்களை சிறு சிறு குழுக்களாக பிரித்து ஒவ்வொரு குழுவிற்கும் தனித்தனி செயல்த்திட்டங்கள் கொடுத்து அவர்களுடைய தனித்துவமான திறமைகளையும் ,தனித் திறமைகளையும் வளர்க்க உதவி புரிவேன்.
I will start with the basics and ensure how to use a computer and apply the knowledge which gets handsome practice. To make the class more interesting I start the class by asking some energizing questions that makes the students to participate more attentively.
I prepare PowerPoint presentation in my teaching. I show step by step animated slides related to the topic, which is very much useful and enjoyable for the students to learn the concept. I show some videos related to the topic. This makes the students more understandable.
This method makes the classroom more activity oriented and interesting too.
நான் எனது மாணர்வர்களுக்கு பாரம்பரிய மற்றும் உரையாடும் செயல்பாடுகள் மூலம் தமிழ்மொழி அறிவை உற்சாகத்துடன் பெறுவதற்கு மாணவர்களை ஊக்கப்படுத்துவேன். நான் மாணர்வர்களை சிறு குழுக்களாக பிரித்து அவர்களை தமிழ் கவிஞர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்களை வகைப்படுத்தி எழுத்துக்களை தமிழில் தேர்ந்தெடுத்து அதை மாணர்வர்களுக்கு கொடுத்து அந்த குறிப்பிட்ட எழுத்தில் தொடங்கும் வார்த்தைகளை கண்டுபிடிக்க வைக்கிறேன்.இத்தகைய விளையாட்டுகள் மாணர்வர்களுக்கு உற்சாகத்தையும் ஒன்றாக வேலை செய்யும் விதத்தையும் மற்றும் கல்வி கருத்துக்களை எளிதாக புரிந்து கொள்ளவும் உதவுகிறது நான் ஒவ்வொருநாளும் பாடம் நடத்துவதறக்கு முன்பாக அப்பாடத்தலைப்பிலிருந்து உற்சாகமூட்டும் சில கேள்விகளை கேட்பதன் மூலம் மாணவர்கள் அவர்களுடைய கருத்துக்களை உற்சாகத்துடன் கூறுவார்கள்.நான் கற்பிக்கும் ஒவ்வொன்றிலும் மாணவர்களை முழுமையாக ஈடுபடச் செய்வேன்.நான் புத்தகத்திலுள்ள படங்கள் மட்டுமல்லாமல் வேறு வரைபடங்கள் மூலம் எழுத்துக்களையும் ,வார்த்தைகளையும் மாணர்வர்களுக்கு எளிதில் புரியும் படியாக கற்றுக்கொடுப்பேன் .நான் கேட்டெழுத்து மற்றும் நினைவக சோதனை நடத்துவதன் மூலம் மாணவர்கள் எழுத்துக்கள் மற்றும் வார்த்தைகளை மனப்பாடம் செய்ய உதவுகிறது .நான் எழுத்துக்களை அடையாளம் காண்பது மற்றும் எளிமையான வாக்கியத்தை உருவாக்குவதற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுப்பதன் மூலம் மாணவர்கள் எழுத்துக்கள் மற்றும் வார்த்தைகளை தமிழ்மொழியில் புரிந்து கொள்ள தெளிவான யோசனை கிடைக்கிறது .இத்தகைய படைப்பாற்றல் மிக்க யோசனைகள் வழியாக மாணவர்கள் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்து நேர்மறையான உணர்வுகளை ரசிக்கவும் பழகுகிறார்கள் .மாணவர்களை உற்சாகப்படுத்துவது மிகவும் பயனுள்ள விதத்திலும் மற்றும் அவர்களை அயராது உழைக்கவும் வைக்கிறது .வித்தியாசமான செயல்பாடுகள் மற்றும் வித்தியாசமான கற்கும் முறைகள் மாணவர்களுக்கு மகிழ்வாக மட்டுமல்லாமல் எனது கற்பித்தலை மிகவும் பயனுள்ள விதமாக ஆக்குகிறது.
I enter the class with a smile and ask the children to stand up and wish them Good morning children. Then the children also wish the teacher. I start to mingle with the kids and interact with them very lovingly and in a friendly way. I form a homely atmosphere for the students and make them enjoying class. Children are happy with teacher as they are with their second mother. I warm them up by asking question and they answer to the questions briskly.
I get the students to recap the previous lessons and ask some questions and interact with the children to enter into the day’s class. I show the flash card of the alphabet both capital and small letters. Pictures are shown and ask them to read and pronounce correctly. After that I ensure that they identify the alphabet and also ask them to trace the alphabet and to practice it in the classroom itself. I encourage and motivate them to get a better outcome.
Before starting to write I give a tracing activity to the students. By this tracing activity they get know how to write the letter. Then I give them writing practice . I use flash cards which the children enjoy seeing. I conduct some games related to the subject topic. From this they get know the identification of letters along with reading and writing format. On seeing the variety of methods I use the students enjoy the class and respond to the assignments immediately.
Vins School represents an opportunity for every teachers to maximize their potential and to watch their students growing. I am proud to be a teacher here because Vins School is concerned with the growth and achievement of every single child. The management maintains a healthy and friendly environment for children and the teachers.
I start the day by asking questions to the children and interact with them. I use the flash cards to teach the letters and words for the students, which enables them to identify the letters and words easily. I conduct memory games among kids who need recite numbers and the alphabet. It engages a child’s imagination and makes the children to listen and focus on the topic.
I conduct some competition among kids to improve their confidence in front of others. I conduct some sports and games for kids to maintain their physical strength and develop a competitive mind. These activities are very helpful for the kids to make the environment very vibrant.