Vins CBSE school of Excellence, has arranged industrial visit to provide students an insight regarding the functionality working of kudankulam nuclear power plant.
The investiture ceremony of Vins CBSE school of Excellence, captains of the crews pledged to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities. Our school believes child centric approach will frame a responsible citizen.
Part of heritage week food festival was celebrated. Our kids learnt and tasted the traditional foods.
Vins Cbse school of Excellence toppers were honoured by our chairman, secretary mam and our principal.
Love from our beloved ones. Special honour for our lovely teachers from our senior secondary students. 5th sep 2022
Yoga not only comfort our body and also our soul. Yoga was done by our students on yoga day.
Vins School of Excellence has opened a Day Care Centre for infants, toddlers and Pre Schoolers for the benefit of parents who cannot pick their child from school after school hours. This centre has been provided with baby cots and beds under the care of a nurse and the Pre-KG staff. Just like in their homes these children are put to sleep in the after noons till the parents pick them up.
International Yoga day celebration 2021.
Jesus , as light of the world reverberates the love joy peace to the whole world
The joy of the Children's day celebration was doubled by the scintillating performance of Athithi Chandrasekaran of Grade VII
The heart warming dance performance of our teachers took the central stage of the day
Vins School of Excellence begins its education from Pre kinder garten School , where Toddlers are groomed by Montessori trained and experienced teachers. It provides opportunity for these children to grow and develop through play way method.
These children enjoy with their teachers filled with love of learning, develop knowledge and ability to mingle with their friends and to explore ways of reaching out to the world. Pre KG is another extension of home, for the first time away from their mother. Teachers became the second parent, who gives not only education but also different values in life required for their age. The school aims at creating a welcoming environment to promote free expression, appreciation, enjoyment, discovery and development of individual talents. The teacher in the KG classroom takes an account of individual needs and build up the child’s own skills and experiences to achieve the full potential.
“Children are the tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is unique and beautiful in itself and glorious when seen in the community of peers”.
To inculcate knowledge in the blooming buds of Vins School of Excellence, the following methods are used in the class room situation.
VINS PRIMARY SCHOOL is a friendly, welcoming school where children are happy and enjoy learning. Primary education is typically the first stage of formal education and Primary Education has been identified as the most crucial stage in the education of a child. The aim of the VINS primary School is to provide a sound foundation in the development of a child's personality and his /her understanding of good and bad.
The school is well resourced with computing equipment, a range of practical equipment for science, mathematics, music and Physical Education activities and published resources to support language, mathematics, history and geography work. We also have a wide range of reading material to support the teaching of reading and our home/school reading policy.
The children have access to three main play areas. The sports’ field, multiplay station and the school ground yard which is often used as a general play area during dry summer. Adult supervision is vigilant but friendly, with teachers on duty at playtimes and midday assistants and play leaders at lunchtime. The school site also contains gardens and lawns and the children are encouraged to respect the school grounds and the environment by controlling litter and helping with the gardening and grounds development.
Middle school teachers educate students, from sixth to eighth grade. Middle school teachers help students build on the fundamentals taught in elementary school and prepare students for high school.
The Middle School at VINS School sees the students being prepared to face the rigors of the Secondary and the Higher Secondary CBSE curriculum. Closer supervision and greater support from the teaching community is given to these students and their strengths and weaknesses identified and worked upon during the academic year. Thus regular teacher-parent interactions are augmented and remedies for problems or difficulties faced by students are offered.
The students of the Senior School are trained to handle the increasing demands of academics, based on the CBSE curriculum. As the curriculum lays a lot of emphasis on achieving cognitive, affective and psychomotor excellence, at the VINS School, we create a perfect blend of academics and Co-curricular activities that help students to experience meaningful connections to their learning.
The faculty members are having 10 to 15 years of experience and fully qualified in their respective subjects.
Lab facilities are provided for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Social Studies and Languages.
The students are well groomed to appear for the X board exams.
An energetic team of teachers and students connect to form the Senior Section of Vins School of Excellence. Students vie to get a chance and gather experience in this holistic atmosphere. It prepares students to become global learners through project-based learning, hand-on-experience, seminars and workshops. The Senior Section, with its conducive educational atmosphere, makes every day a challenge for both teachers and the taught. The Higher Secondary Stage assumes great significance as students for the first time move toward diversification. As such, they are better placed to exercise a choice of course keeping i9n view their needs, interests, capabilities and aptitude, which would enable them to cope with the challenges of future. Change is the watch word at this stage of life. In order to equip the assumes great significance as students for the first time move toward diversification. As such, they are better placed to exercise a choice of course keeping in view their needs, interests, capabilities and aptitude, which would enable them to cope with the challenges of future. Change is the watch word at this stage of life. In order to equip the youth to cope with change in life it is essential that they be guided soundly and correctly.
The faculty members are having 15 to 18 years of experience in teaching and fully qualified in their respective subjects.
NEET coaching is given by Kerala NEET Academy and JEE coaching is provided for students according to their choice in order to get them ready for the enterance exams.
Students must come to school punctually, neatly dressed and reach the campus by 9:10 a.m
Both my children love coming to school and are doing well. As a parent we are happy with current progress. Thank you very much for the hard work (both management and staff) put into my children. Altogether as a family we are very impressed with the school and teachers. thanks
Unequivocally, as parents, my wife and I made the right choice to join hands with VINS School Of Excellence as a pedagogy partner for my kids schooling. The teachers are highly trained, caring, and friendly with kids. All credits go to this wonderful education institution and its dedicated instructors
I would like to say a big thank you to each and every teacher at VINS School for ensuring that our children's studies have not been impacted because of the lockdown. It was overwhelming to see how quickly and efficiently the new way of learning was adopted by the school and not only this, the entire parent community was also made comfortable.Safest school for students
Thank you for being such an important part in our daughter’s development. We are very blissful that her literacy and numeracy skills have developed considerably under your care. We really appreciate your efforts for helping her to develop the skills and confidence that she will carry forward into the next level. Your patience and commitment to supporting our child has mean a lot to us.We wish to congratulate the whole team of VINS for their efforts during this pandemic situation.-
"Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions" The school is a place where the kids of today are raised up to be the better future of a country for tomorrow. The School is certainly a sacred place where the education is imparted to make a nation smart and civilized, stronger and developed for tomorrow.Its my great pleasure to express my thoughts about my children’s school that is "VINS School of Excellence" at Chunkankadai. It is counted among one of the most successful schools of our city. The school has abundant facilities like library with variety of books, smart classes, labs for all the subjects, play ground etc. Our children are enjoying all the programmes celebrated by the schools such as annual day, color day, children’s day, teachers day, sports day etc. The teachers of VINS School are very sincere and cooperative with the students. They know how to keep a balance between study and co curricular activities. They are very lovely and kind. They teach our children with great care. The students are encouraged to study and excel more. That’s why the school has been regularly featured as one of the award winning schools in both sports and academic areas. The school is like the second home for our kids. It teaches all the good manners and good habits in our children’s life. This school is an ideal school that prepares a student thoroughly. It emphasizes on discipline, dedication, sincerity and hard work. In that sense, Its my great privilege to get education for my children in one of finest schools of our area.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers for the efforts they are putting together to teach our children. Preparing lessons, making kids learn through fun, all this through distance learning. It is very difficult to teach such small kids online. However the teachers are making sure that each kid gets proper attention and the learning is smooth. I really appreciate the fact that focus is not just on finishing the syllabus but also ensuring that each kid is learning properly. The kids are also enjoying the co-curricular activities which are taking place along with the main subjects. It makes them look forward for the classes. The teachers are also making sure that kids do eye exercises during the class to reduce the stress. It is really commendable. It is indeed a very difficult time for all of us but the teachers are making sure that learning doesn’t stop. Once again thank you to all the teachers who are helping my child learn today and everyday. A special thanks to the beloved Chairman Mr Nanjil Vincent Ex MP for his constant encouragement and support throughout to all the teachers.
Our son B.G. Methuselah Maxphine has been attending VinsCbse School of Excellence for over a couple of years since 2019. During this time, he has transformed from a quiet preschooler into a confident young boy attending competitions on stage. What I personally like about the school is that it's not too large to be overcrowded, allowing a more personal as well as an interactive medium between the parents and teachers. The Coordinator, Principal and of course the teachers, call us frequently at will to enquire about the child’s progress and collect feedback. We also like that the school curriculum nurtures independent learners and allows the children to progress at their own pace without being limited by class levels. The online classes during the lockdown seemed a little way off with the virtual classes. However, the principal needs to be well commented for her commitment to turn something that did not work out well initially into a creative and innovative session thought to be effective and useful for children. Now our son does not require parental guidance when online. His face lights up every time he sees his teachers and friends on the screen. The teachers, who were effectively coached to handle this kind of odd situation, are working in full swing to take complete control of students. The teachers strike an effective balance between fun and a firm hand. In addition to discipline, my son also is taught good values to be inculcated. A good example is when I had to fiddle with the mobile phone while eating, Methuselah interrupted me to say “Papa, my mam said, it is not good to watch mobile phones while eating” I had no option but to support his values and seek some good values from the toddler. The extracurricular activities such as crafting, planting, pottery, exercise-oriented activities help our toddler to gain physical strength and well-being. We couldn’t have made a better decision than to choose VinsCbse. It’s priceless for us to see our son enjoying the school, watching him go to school excitedly every morning and coming home happily. Also, his eagerness to go online whenever there is a class. The homework assigned is literally very tiring for the parents and the child as we strive to complete all on time to receive the honors awarded every week. Good thing to note is, “We are not compelled to complete the same day and can turn out whenever comfortable” Methuselah is now equipped to write legibly by properly holding the pencil, staying neat and tidy. He can now recite the stories and remember the Bapuji song which is fun to watch. From the warm reception at the door, to the individual attention to each student by all staff members, we knew this was the right choice for our toddler and I am planning to send my dear daughter as well next year. The day care facility is not very overwhelming, fair to say, it is okay but needs more improvement in the coming years. I did not opt for this facility, however on a certain day, when I was late to pick up my kid from the school, I was immediately alerted by the institution that my son is put in the day care and I need not worry and come on my time to pick up. The chairman Mr Nanjil Vincent Ex MP deserves a standing ovation from all of us, though I had no personal correspondence with him except for watching him from a distance. I see him on campus every so often commanding over all the facilitators and those employed at the campus. No other school in our district is seen advertising their students’ caliber and potential in Newspapers. This for any parent is encouraging and overwhelming. The excellent infrastructure being newly constructed stands a testament for his passion!
I am Aathil Felix of Grade 9.Vins School is the definition of happiness; its positive and vibrant atmosphere makes us all love coming to school and ensures that we experience the beauty of learning and the power of knowledge. Every day VINS is extremely lively and entertaining – celebrations, interesting extracurricular activities, life skill programs, and guest speakers are just a few examples of what makes the VINS experience so amazing. The love, care and attention that we students in VINS get make us more than just a school; it makes us family.
We students extend our due respect and gratitude towards our teachers for all they have do for us! I have been in VINS for more than 5 years now, and they have changed me for the better. VINS is a second home to me and I cannot thank them all enough for everything they have done for me. VINS has a huge place in my heart and I am so honoured to be a part of this amazing school!
I am Andrea Blessy of Grade 10. "I’ve been in Vins School of Excellence, Kaniyakumari for the past 3 years and I think it is a great and unique experience for me because it’s nothing like the other schools. I’ve been in. The warm, nurturing and academic environment has transformed me into an avid and successful learner. The school has exceeded our expectations in developing into a wholesome child.
What I like most about this school is that people respect everyone. I’ve had highly experienced teachers and they were all so nice. They made all the subjects fun to learn and they answered questions and explained everything I didn’t understand. I love to read books.VINS School boasts of well-stocked library along with reading room with an impressive index of titles, covering fiction and non-fiction, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers. We are encouraged to make full use of these facilities in order to inculcate a love for books and the habit of reading from an early age.
I am Shifa of Grade 9.Vins School is more than a school to me it is a home away from home. Here my teachers not only taught me to read and write, they inculcated values and discipline. I was able to express myself and work alongside my peers through different extracurricular activities It has an environment that stimulates people to learn new things.The teachers are constantly encouraging me to do my best. It is great to feel that they are there to help reach my full potential
I am ShahilSha of Grade 10.The teachers at VINS School of Excellence are absolutely amazing. Simply, Exploring Excellence. They truly care about our learning outcomes and helping us to achieve our personal and academic objectives. More importantly, they teach us how to learn, not just to get good marks on tests. This school has been an exceptionally important step on my stairway to success. The people I have met, and the memories I have made here will have a special place in my heart forever.ce and commitment to supporting our child has mean a lot to us.We wish to congratulate the whole team of VINS for their efforts during this pandemic situation.-
I am JoshikaVashini of Grade 10. The best part of my experience with VINS School of Excellence has got to be the open-armed friendliness that this school perpetuates. It has helped me grow from someone who was in a shell to someone who is comfortable and proud to be myself by coming out of the shell. I recommend VINS for its friendly atmosphere, easy and direct communication with teachers I encourage all who decide to come to VINS to use this opportunity to acquire Knowledge. It helps to improve one’s personality as well as overall aspects towards life. The staff is cooperative and teachers always help students. It will help us broaden our world view and ultimately make you anall-rounderwith varied knowledge of the outside world.
I am PraiselinJenisha of Grade 11. Vins School of Excellence [CBSE] is a great school where you can learn a lot and have a real nice time with the other students. The teachers are professional, really helpful, friendly and the lessons were well organised. A lot of activities are proposed to the students. No words to describe faculty who taught me by encouraging, supporting, and motivating. This has contributed significantly my successful career.
I am Shivram of Grade 11.Vins School of Excellence is the best school to makeus learn and grow. I look forward to go to school to learn new things each and every day. I participate in a variety of activities and events and enjoy, both with the teachers and my classmates. The teachers make themselves very accessible and are very supportive. The admission process is outstanding, they really care and truly does the best for the children. It is a wonderful school. The school offers almost one to one attention to every subject, giving students the attention they require to excel beyond their expectations.